Life at Bankfoot House
Activities to suit your interests and needs
Our Two Activities & Well Being Coordinators work with Residents to provide activities that you want.
They will talk with you to find out about your interests & then try and meet them, perhaps that’s a particular craft or hobby. There is also a varied Programme of Activities, throughout the week, that Residents are invited to join, for example, Exercise Classes, Listening to live music, ‘Knit & Natter’, Newspaper Group.
We have informal outings to the local Golf Club, nearby Garden Centres and Hotels in the Community Minibus.
Bankfoot is very much part of the Moffat Community and our Residents visit the local theatre, Music Society, community events and some of the many concerts in the town
Lisa’s Exercise Class is great fun. I’ve surprised myself with how much I’ve been able to do.
—Bankfoot House Resident
Bankfoot House Care