End of Life Care
at Bankfoot House
End of life care supports people in the last weeks or months of their life. It enables people to live as well as possible and to die with dignity. Delivered with respect and compassion, our care is tailored to your needs and preferences.
Our Staff Team has a great deal of experience in delivering care at this hugely important time. We understand that End of Life Care needs to provide compassion and support to family and friends and we work closely with everyone involved with the Resident.
It is an enormous privilege to be able to support and care for people who are nearing the end of their life. There is no higher priority for us at Bankfoot than delivering compassionate and professional care at this time; care that means you and your family are as comfortable as possible.
Care that is uniquely yours
With only 25 Residents, our professional and experienced Staff Team will really get to know you and your family or friends. Everything we do at Bankfoot is tailored around the needs of our residents, and this is especially important in the last weeks & months of a person’s life.
Although not a registered Nursing Home, we are able, with support from nursing services, to deliver ‘end of life’ care and we try, wherever possible, to avoid Residents having to spend their last days in a hospital setting.
This is an intimate, emotional and intensely personal time; we will care for you and your family with sensitivity, skill and compassion.
“At Bankfoot House, we know the importance of finding a care home for a loved one that feels just like home. That’s why ‘our house, is your home’.
Bankfoot House Manager,
Kirsty McVittie